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Understanding your strengths is the key to success.
Being a professional presenter for over 25 years, Dr. Jim has been the featured keynote speaker and has facilitated over 200 workshops and presentations. The following is some of the topics that have garnered positive feedback:
Twice Exceptionality (e.g., Gifted/LD)
Overview of ADHD & ADD
Sluggish Cognitive Tempo (aka Concentration Deficit Disorder)
Executive Functioning & Academics
Medication & ADHD
Little Big Minds, Philosophy & Young Children
NVLD Nonverbal Learning Disabilities (What Happened to Aspergers?)
Sensory Integration Disorder (SI)
The Neurobiology of LD & ADHD
Processing Speed: The Misunderstood Issue
Lead Exposure & Learning Issues
Sleep Hygiene & Teenagers
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